Friday, June 02, 2006

I come into contact with quite a few submissives. After My many, many, perhaps TOO MANY years in the lifestyle I can pretty much tell who they are and put them into the catagories that they belong in. Of course I do not claim to know everything but I am fairly familier with the "types" that I and many Domme's run into.

Type 1--
The Internet Married geek. Usually only on at night or really early in the morning while he can sneek in some time away from his wife. Simply wants to get off and find on outlet for the things that his wife will not do to him. More then likely found out about BDSM from a porno magazine in some sleazy porn shop.

Type 2--
The chatroom submissive. Knows each and everything thing to do in a chat room and does it with ease. Lives through other peoples "real" lives because he does not have the balls to live it himself.

Type 3--
The "I want to be a true submissive" type. Also known as the "I am submissive as long as it suits me and I get My way" type. Have been in contact with at least 3 of these in the last 3 weeks. They talk a good talk and run with their tails between their legs when you need them to walk the walk.

Type 4--
Prime example--angel
The I will do whatever it takes to please You. Polite, subservient, sweet and kind. Does whatever you ask of them and does not ask questions. Have personality and spunk. Yet listens and tames it when you need them to. Very rare, yet very wonderful. They are the "True" type. Usually end up being hurt or having someone that is an ass take advantage of them.

Type 5--
The robot, no personality, doormat type. Sadly they really do still exsist. Usually this way because someone who called themselves "Dominant" fucked them up and they are stuck somewhere between a rock and a hard place.
Type 4 is very rare to find. Sure you can find it but most are a mixture of all types. There really are true submissives out there. It just takes patience and love to make sure they are what you hope for.

Lady Moon


At 11:53 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

we submales should alwqays try to be a Type 4.


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