Thursday, August 03, 2006

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There are a few things that I wanted to write about this morning but will start with only One. The Most important One of course and will fill in the others later.

I have not really written about how Goddess A and I met and how We became close to I wanted to take a minute this morning and write about what She means to Me.

It is very odd to find someone that You feel so connected to. Both Her and I firmly believe that in a past life We were sisters. That somehow this time around the universe felt that We had to be connected again. There are times that I know something is wrong before She even states it. There are times that She knows the same. We are on each others life cycles in more ways then one and she is My soul Sister. Sometimes I long into messenger in the morning and start with... "Whats wrong?" I know when there is something happening before She states it and thankfully She too can read Me before I know it Myself.

We were connected this time around by a very insaine submissive. Now, I do not say that because he is odd... but because he really is that. Mentally ill. Only Goddess A and I did not know it until We started to compare notes. She pm'ed Me one night as She was mentoring him and he stated to Her that I said I would keep him in a cage for weeks at a time with no food or water (Something I never said). Her pm was... mean! Oh yes Goddess A does have a temper at times! We soon compared the things that were sent and realized that he really was a loon. We still laugh about it to this day but am thankfully that even though the Goddess's brought Us together in a very strange way, that We were still brought together.

I think there comes a time in E/everyone's life that W/we are connected with someone for a reason. A Someone comes along that just sort of completes U/us in ways that W/we can not complete ourselves. Goddess A is My other half. Sometimes My better half, sometimes My evil half. Yet, without I am not 100% whole.

I love You Sis. Thank You for being part of My life.

*Photo--John Fox


At 1:17 AM , Blogger Aradia said...

Thatnk You, My Sister. Know that You are loved just as much.



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