Saturday, November 04, 2006

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Goddess A was talking about Mercury in Retrograde today on the board and how when it is in Retro that everything turns to shit in Her realm. For Me once the New Moon hits everything turns to putty in My world. I am not really sure why, as you would think refreshing oneself would come with the New Moon and usually it works that way. Yet, for Me it is the exact opposite. Of course, I have never been one to "Travel with the grain", so I am not shocked.

I have been studing both Bohemian/Slavic Paganism and the Celtic Realm in great detail. As I have stated before Goddess Isis has been My patron saint. She came to Me years ago in one dream after another. Allowing Me to walk the path with Her and learn the things that I needed to learn. Recently, within the last month or so she has again showed Herself very clearly to Me. The spoken truth of Her journey with Me and that She is now done with that journey. That I must move on to bigger things. Things that She no longer can hold My hand on. Whispering to Me that I must find My way without Her and with another.

So that is why I am taking the time and energy to study My roots. As I have talked many a day to GA about, I am at a bit of a stand still. Between a rock and a hard place. What path to take, what to choose. I have meditated within both realms and know in My heart where I should go. Yet, It is My head that is turning the tricks on Me. My grandfather and his family were from Bohemia. My grandmother and her family were from Ireland. At a young age My grandmother's family moved to Bohemia then a decade later to the US.

Within My family all were Female Led Relationships. My grandmother died when I was 8 and looking back, going through papers and journals once the estate sale came through I now know with 100% certaintly that she too was a Witch. To research those things, to see Her writing on paper made My eyes well up. To know that I was and am not alone in My Witchy ways makes it easier to understand.

So anyway, that is what is going on with Me. Nothing extremely exciting.


Artwork in Bridgemen art library
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