Sunday, August 06, 2006

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I seem to be very tired tonight. Almost to a point of exhausted. It is not one of those tired time that You just want to sleep, it is more of a body tired. One that makes it near impossible to keep your head up and all you want to do is lay in bed and call it a year.

The Moon is almost full and has a ring around it. A sign that trouble is not far behind. I have My rituals set up for when the full moon rolls around. It is soon, even without charts and knowledge I feel it in My gut.

I feel a bit better then I did last night. Thank the Goddess's above for that. I have not seen My patron Goddess in My dreams lately yet there are many others that are coming to Me. I will write about that later.

I was speaking to a friend of Mine who is on one of the boards I belong to. She is new to the lifestyle. In fact really new. Only a month or so into it. She is a plus size woman as well and asked a very valid question. One I will be posting in the FLR as well.

She asked how I can let Myself go and let a slave serve Me to the degree I do while still being a plus size Domme. Does My not being a super model make it so I am not able to be Myself, walking around naked, having someone bathe Me ect. hard?

For Me... I adore My body. I am a Goddess, a Woman of substance and if that bothers Me then there would be something wrong. If you love who You are, What You are about and what You look like then everyone else will as well. You will exude sexuality and senuality.You will have confidence and that will mirror unto other people.

I may not be 6'0" with a body of a 16 year old. I am a mother of two. I have been through many things in My life. It is beautiful to show the wear and tear of regular life. W/we all should be proud it showing it!

Blessed be,
Goddess Isis Moon


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