Wednesday, August 16, 2006

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There are more then a few things I would like to touch upon this morning.

I am getting very tired of "submissives" who claim to be so, when in truth they really aren't. Why bother wasting your time or Mine playing around with someones head or heart when you know damn well it is not going to go anywhere?
Even the strongest Dominant Women have hearts and yes... surprise they can be tugged on and broken.

I am just ready to truely find someone who is real. Give Me a break already!

I am tired and just frustrated with everything and everyone I seem to come into contact with lately. It gets very old meeting the same type of people. The people that say the are one thing and really are something 100% different then what they claim to be.

All I have ever asked in honesty. Honesty in who and what you are. Honesty in what you want and desire. Honesty in what you need.

I am tired of liars, time wasters and simply fucked up people.

I do have a heart and a heart that gets broken easily. Perhaps just being yourself and realizing that would be greatly helpful. To understand this lifestyle and the depth that comes along with it would be helpful as well.

I do not want to give up on finding that one.. yet... lately it seems I am just tired of all of it. My heart is one with many scars.. tread easy.

Blessed be,
Goddess Isis Moon


At 2:00 AM , Blogger Polyfetishist said...

I was just reading Dan Savage's latest column in which a guy writes to ask if he should worry about permanent physical injury if he has a relatiionship with a dominant woman. A pretty ugly image of female dominance.

Many "submissive" men have extreme images of dominant women because their frustration pushes their fantasy life to extremes. This causes them to not see that F/m relationships that work are rooted in empathy, respect and love.

At 12:52 PM , Blogger a said...

Please find a place in Your Heart for a false submissive. We are all false. Nonetheless, only a quest for the impossible is a good quest!

A kiss and congratulations for Your great blog,


At 6:48 PM , Blogger Lady Julia said...

Sadly, finding a partner that is loving and respectful isn't easy for anyone. I hope that you don't get too discouraged by some of the players you've met. There really are some wonderful men out there - men who have actually stepped out of the fantasy world.

I hope you feel better soon.

At 5:18 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Dominant women aren't the only ones who suffer from the extreme, unrealistic view of female domination. I often find myself angered at the immense idiocy of these fantasies; why would you want to be constantly hurt? I am not a submissive male because I just want to greedily fulfill some sort of bizarre fetish, I'm submissive because I want to make the woman that I will love happy at all costs.


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