Thursday, November 16, 2006

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I have been wanting to sit and seriously write for sometimes but it seems just when I think I have the time to do so, something comes up and I never quite get the moment.

I spent sometime last night in meditation. Made a beautiful fresh insense of Caramon, juniper, fengreek and White willow bark. I use Willow a lot in My insense, homemade candles, lotions and perfume oils. It is the tree of the Goddess. It gives off a beautiful musky smell. As I laid in bed I lite My Silver candle (also Goddess) and closed My eyes. Chanting over and over again for the answer to My question.

Goddess make me see
The journey that is in front of Me
Show Me where I should start
Find the journey that is in My heart

After knoting My rope 10 times and chanting 10 as well, something came over Me. My ears plugged, My eyes began to well up. I found it hard to breath and soon I was asleep. She came to Me. She came to Me with the knowledge of what path I am to take. She was beautiful, breathtaking and kind. I shall write upon that in the next few days as I have family coming in for the Thanksgiving holiday and will have to really take the time to sit and explain.

Speaking of Willow Trees... I believe My Mother thinks that I have perhaps lost it. In the back of My Mother and fathers home (which I grew up in) was a beautiful willow tree. It had been there before I was born and each animal that had died was placed under that tree to settle. Tomorrow it is scheduled to be cut down as it is rotting from the inside out and will soon be falling over anyhow. Yet, I was amazed how truely saddened I was by knowing that it would no longer be there. I think that I was sad on many different levels. It was a mirror of My childhood, as I would go hide under it during hide and seek. Its branches kissing the ground ever so softly. As a teenager, when life just got to hard I would sit under it to write hours in the many journals I filled during those years. The many pets that layed to rest, the hours running around it when My daughter was toddling around. And now. The Goddess. Knowing that She was that weeping willow tree all those years looking after Me. I went out to spent some well needed time with Her before She was taken away. Hugging Her, Thanking Her, talking to Her.

As I said.. I believe My Mother thought I had spilled My marbles.

The upcoming holidays are flying around the corner. I enjoy them but do not enjoy the busy bee syndrome that comes a long with them. I tend to do a lot of meditation during this time. Perhaps I could get away with being in an astral state for the next 2 months.

As with anyone that does Magick faithfully, they know that if one speaks of a spell that was cast it will be muffled by others thoughts. So in explaining that I want that Someone to know that She will be fine. I called for the correct Animal Protecting Goddess to help with the problem. I will do it every week until She is better. That You have My word on.

My family comes in tomorrow afternoon. Half are staying with My Mom and Dad, the other half with Me. (I hope the good half). I hated that My library suddenly got smaller as the D/s books and the Wiccan books were either taken down or turned around. To them, I am still the Good catholic girl they all know and love. Easier to just leave well enough a lone. Yet, I have My own thoughts about those that are "whipped" in other people's eyes.

The Annie Leibowitz Newest Photography book is now out. Something on My Christmas list. She is a beautiful photographer, yet the picture She took of John Lennon and Yoko the same day that he passed is one of the most beautiful photos I have ever seen. Not that I see it for its "Beatles" memory, I see it more in the beautiful D/s quality it has it in. For those that have not seen it...
Yoko is laying on her back.
Black sweater and jeans.
Her hair is falling all around her.
John is laying to her right.
On his side, curled against her naked.
Knowing that she holds the key.

It truely is one of My top 10 favorite pictures.

Alright.. I am going to talk to nyte for a few more moments and I am off to bed.

Goddess Isis Moon
**Blogger name and place soon to change**


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