Oh things have just been too busy around here for My own good. Although I must admit I enjoy the full house and am a huge fan of the holidays. I like to stay busy so having everyone around, dealing with the hustle and bustle is a welcome for Me.
Even with all the busy family around Me, My Sadistic side is aching to get out. It has been awhile since I have laid My thick and heavy hand on someone and am looking forward to the day that I am able to. Not to say that I am not Sadistic all the time, there are just times where it is more upfront and times when the need is heavier then others. I can not deny the dreams that I have had are very raw, rough and hard. I know that the ache will grow stronger and stronger until I am able to allow it to seep into someone else. Some of the thoughts in My head are extremely dark and thoughts I would not readily tell anyone. Most would be surprised at times the thoughts that plague My mind and ache in My belly. I believe it would be considered "scary" to some but has never been scary to Me. For Me it is and has always been a welcome point in My life. Getting others on board... now that is the tricky part.
I have always and will always be known as going against the grain. Safe words for example. In My 12 years I have never had a slave use them. I don't give them and don't believe that they need to be there. For some... perahaps. For some.. a must. Yet, I read people very, very well. I take someone as far as I want to go. I am very good at telling how far I can take someone and when it is time to stop. Does that slave know those safe words that are the normal.. Green, Yellow and red? Of course... yet there has never been a need to use them. I am sure I will get many comments for it and that is okay. I know what works for Me and Mine and that is what matters most to Me.
A blast from the past came through into My life recently. A good blast of course. An old friend whom I have not talked to in quite awhile. It is funny how some people lose contact and have nothing to say, then their are others whom pick up where they left off. It has been nice learning about what has been going on in life since we last spoke.
Today is spent at home. Entertaining family and baking My Domme Ass off. I must admit that I could use the help today or even a nap would be nice!
Goddess Moon
My Beloved asked me if I wanted a safeword when we got together and I said no. Then came the night when she ordered me to do something potentially dangerous. This was a very special case: she was visiting me and had no way of knowing that the closet she'd ordered me into might have nails sticking up in the floor. I was pretty far down in submission but finally managed to say "Safeword!"
Thankfully nothing like that ever happened again. Several times she's protected me when I was so lost in subspace that I wouldn't have been able to do so myself.
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