Monday, November 27, 2006

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Rub your hands quickly together for 30 seconds then pull them apart.

Do they tingle?
Feel hot?

That is energy. Now do it again and then focus on the energy going between your left palm to your right palm.


Magick is that.
Feeling that energy between your two hands can not be denied. you feel it, it is there.

I am not entirely sure why in this world, this realm of "kinky" people W/we feel the need to bicker back and forth. I am not one that follows anything. I was born and raised catholic and there are still some beliefs in the catholic faith that I agree with. I study Wicca, Paganism, Witchcraft, herbalism, Fung Shui. That does not make Me much different from anyone else. There are aspects of each and every that I hold under My soul and believe in. Some aspects of each, I don't.
I don't believe in certain political views, certain aspects of each religion, ect. Yet, I like to keep those things to Myself. I don't need to change anyones mind about anything. I believe in what I believe in and that is simply that.

I may disagree, show My views and voice them but I NEVER disrespect anyone elses thoughts upon it. W/we all believe what W/we want to. That is what makes the world a wonderful place and a place that has a billion different type of people in it.

Respect is a wonderful thing and shows what type of person someone is. I know as a Dominant Woman that if My submissive shot off at the mouth to someone that should be respected, he would be whipped. Severely. he is a reflection of Me and I will not ever allow him to give Me a bad name in any light. Online or offline.


At 4:25 PM , Blogger Polyfetishist said...

When I think of humility often my first thought is not of woman worship. It is escaping the arrogance of my youth and seeing how worthwhile in myself I can be that in the great scheme of things I'm just another mote of sand on the beach.

Reading - perhaps too finely - between the lines - I think the men you speak of have no woman in their lives that they really value whether she'd punish them or not.


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