Friday, June 30, 2006

I thought I would sit and post something that explored a little bit more about Me.

Some things Yyou may not know:
1. I never take a bath without bubbles
2. I have a cup of coffee each and every night before bed
3. My favorite store is Barnes and Noble
4. I always get a Chai Tea Frap at Starbucks
5. I write in My paper journal every night before bed
6. I write in My dream journal every morning I awake
7. I am an only child
8. I never give a book away, even if I have read it a million times. My bookshelf is full.
9. My natural hair color is brown but I color it auburn
10. My hair has been every color you can imagine
11. I love red wine and margarita's
12. I hate martinis!
13. I am Bohemian
14. I am not a shorts person in the summer... I always wear sundresses
15. My favorite candle scent is fig
16. I have way too many candles burning at the moment
17. I love to be outside
18. I love the water
19. I love coffee shops and could spend all day sitting and reading a book or watching people.
20. I love the color red
21. My grandmother and grandfather on My fathers side spoke no english
22. I am a hopeless romantic
23. I do not get out of My pj's on sunday at all
24. My very best friend Goddess A lives to far and I miss Her everyday
25. I am on several paths in My life and each one I know is right

So that is a bit more about Me. Some boring, some not. But that is Me!

I sat down and did two spells tonight. One for a great friend the other for someone I just met. I can not tell you who or what but I am hoping that it works. Of course I think at least one knows who they are and perhaps the other will ask if it was them.

Things around here have been extremely out of the norm. I hate when things hit and You have to try and fit everything in at once. Sadly that happens all to often to most of Uus.

I wanted to make sure that Goddess A knows what a wonderful job She did revamping the site. I so know how much She loves to be challenged and this sure has done just that. She is doing a beautiful job and Eeveryone should let Her know it.

I can not believe that June is already gone and left us. It seems just yesterday that winter was here and now summer is really booming. Although I love the heat and being in the water, I am already ready for the fall! Fall for Me is something magical. I am not really sure what it is but it makes everything just.... fall into place!

I have never been one to mourn what I do not have but tonight as I was soaking in a beautiful candle lit bath with lavender it really made Me think of what I don't. I know that everything will of course fall into place when it needs to but My thoughts ran away with Me and it made Me really think about things. I know that it is not easy for anyone when everything is not the way the want it... but for those that walk this path of D/s those wants become needs for most of Uus and it makes it all the harder... yet... all the sweeter at the same time.

So that is it for now... Just wanted to quickly update before My body hits the sheets.

For the path She walks is never dark
She lights in for the one that needs to find Her
She cloaks that body and makes it safe to enter
She is there with a candle in the window
She is there with a warm cup of tea
Do not fear Her
She will care for you the way you need to be cared for
She will love you
She will destroy you
She will build you up
You will never love another
She is Goddess
She is..... Me

*Inspired by someone wonderful, I hope you know who you are*

Bright Blessings and Love kiddles!
Goddess Moon

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I have never been one to live in the past. In fact I try to avoid the past at all costs.
Yet when an "object" from the past slips in and tries to get into your future it makes the past all to real.

I am not the type of person that plays the Fool Me once shame on you, fool Me twice shame on Me type game. You are lucky to get to 1 1/2.

So instead of going through all those thoughts of the past and taking time out of My life to notice it a song comes to mind.

So to the past... to that person that thought it would be wise to come into My future.. this is for you.

Like anyone worthy
I am flattered by your fasination with me
Like any hot blooded woman
I have simply wanted an object to crave
You.... your not allowed
your uninvited
Unfortunate slight
Must be strangly exciting
To watch the stoic squirm
Must be somewhat heartening
To watch shephard meet shephard
But your uninvited
Unfortunate slight
Like any uncharted territory
I must be greatly intriguing
you speak of love like
You have expierenced love like Mine before
This is not allowed
you are uninvited
Unfortunate slight
I know you are unworthy
I don't need a moment to deliberate

Goddess Isis Moon

Sunday, June 25, 2006

The weekend proved to be fairly nice. Thankfully I was able to get a few things done and still have time to live a bit and relax a bit as well.

Was hoping to catch the munch on saturday night but just was not in the mood to go alone. Sometimes it never bothers Me... others I hate it. So I decided to sit it out this time. In essence I was glad that I did, it gave Me sometime to reflect and enjoy just being Me.

Sometimes Wwe all just need to do that. Enjoy the journey that life is taking us on, instead of always remembering what Wwe do not have. Now, in saying that it sure does not mean that I look around and know something is missing. I know that each and everyday. I suppose I just do not dwell on it. Somedays are harder then others.

I have spoken to some wonderful people in My journey. Some have stayed in My life, others have left as quick as they have come. Yet each and every person that has come into My life is still in My heart. I take a bit of them with Me. There is never a person or thing that has come into My life that has not been there for a reason. There is a reason behind each thing that has touched Me.

If you listen to the sound of your heartbeat and breath, you will recognize the ancient rhythm it speaks, your own internal drumming. Do not be afraid of it or your desires. I shall find you and Wwe shall drum together.

Blessed be,
Goddess Isis Moon

Friday, June 23, 2006

I am unbelievably tired tonight. Two glass of the most wonderful red wine with a home cooked dinner on the grill made Me too tired for My own good.

Yahoo is causing Me fits and I was not able to get logged in until just now. I hate it when things do not go My way.

I curled up with "The book of Shadows" a bit ago and My eyes grew more and more tired the more I layed to read. How lovely it would have been to have a slave at My feet deeply rubbing the stress away that have reached the very bottom of My feet and soles.

For now I shall turn in. Deeply fall into My satin sheets and sleep the night away.

Here are some lyrics that I heard tonight. Hit a certain spot in My heart.
Songs tend to do that

If You only knew--Maroon 5
I wake up
Thoughts of you
Tattooed to my mind
I wonder
What to wear
What to eat
Who to be
Will I see you again?
My car breaks down
I shake my head, what a day
If you only knew
What I went through to get to you
I am hanging from you
I will hold on forever if you want me to
Every bus
Every train
Every cab, every lane is jammed
I just look into the sky and reached for the planes with my hands
If all my days go wrong
I will think about last night
It went so right

**If you stop here, please add a comment to simply let Me know that you stopped in.**

Blessed be kiddles,
Goddess Isis Moon

Thursday, June 22, 2006

I have failed to write here as often as I would like. Vanilla life always seems to take a hold of Uus tightly and not let go until Wwe need it to.

I have had several wonderful people compliment My journal. Thank you for that. I enjoy writing here, it is My place to let go and let Goddess.

Today was spent doing the menial things that I hate, yet had to do. The house, the laundry all of that latter! Thankfully I am almost done and was able to sit and just write.

Just a quick update
Until later Kiddles!

All around you is spinning color
Like rainbows gone mad
A whirlpool of lights
A field of force that pulls you from your limbs
Whips through your hair
Like a wild windstorm
You feel the center of your being
A current that shakes you to the bones
Vibrates through you
Like an earthquake or tidal wave
You shake in the grip of her
Out of her chaos
You are born

Sunday, June 18, 2006

If I would be so lucky to climb inside of you would you say it wasn't right?
If I should ever find the key you hide so well could I spend the night?
Leaving your smell on my coat
Leaving your taste on my shoulder
I still fail to understand what it is about this woman

If I could bottle up the chills you give me, I would keep them in a jar next to my bed.
If I should ever draw a picture of a woman, it would be you flowing from my pen.

I will leave my clothes on the floor
Make Me walk out the door
I still fail to understand what it is about her

Helpless I am melting as I stand next to her... the sun
I am screaming out for more
Drink every drop of liquid heat that I have become
Pop me open and spit me out onto the floor

Leave your smell on my coat
Leave your taste on my shoulder
I still fail to understand what it is about this woman.

I love her

Lyrics--Maroon 5

Bright Blessings and Love,
Goddess Isis Moon

I was talking to Lady A the other day and said I really needed to sit here and post. It just so happens that this is the first time I have had to the time to sit and do so.

First of all I want to send most of My energy (The little bit I have this morning and do not need to sip My coffee) to Her and Her slave. They lost a little loved one and I know exactly how hard that can be. Please know that I love Yyou Bboth. Always and forever.

The other night as I was waiting for My sleeping pill to kick in (Insomniac) I was laying in bed staring out the window. The Moon surrounded Me with such conviction that I knew I could not ignore it.

On My journey through the Goddess world, Witches, Druids, Pagans.. ect... ect. ( I have never liked "labels" if you can tell by now) My search for the Goddess that mirrored My image has been both a long and beautiful one.

In My search through the beautiful Goddess Isis I found a piece of Myself, My Dominance and My spirituality all come to a full head at the very tip of My soul.

Isis also known by many names has opened My mind and body up to things I did not understand and many questions unanswered.

As I layed there with Her spirit cradling Me I felt piece. It was as if She was talking strictly to Me and only Me. Letting Me know that She was there, She was looking and watching and all I needed to do was let go and let Goddess.

I awoke the very next morning at peace. At peace with this journey and gained the patience that I needed for Myself.

It was a beautiful and memorable moment. One that I wanted to share with those that believe that the spirit truely exsists.

Bright Blessings kiddles!
Goddess Isis Moon

Thursday, June 15, 2006

I was finally able to get some rest last night. It had been several nights that I layed awake simply looking at the ceiling. I am growing tired tonight as well but wanted to update before I head off to slumber.

My chest if finally clearing of it's congestion and the cough is far less then it was. There is nothing worse then getting sick this time of year. With the central air it seems to hang on a bit more.

Have been trying to post more in the groups that I belong to. Seems I just never have enough time.
Goodnight for now littleones!

i am one of those who have served the Goddess
Here is my proof:
i have eaten from Her drum
i have drunk from Her cymbal
i have carried Her sacred objects
i have prayed in Her secret chambers

Bright Blessings,
Goddess Isis Moon

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Every Goddess has Her throne. A place where She likes to go and feels the most comfortable in. Mine is My bedroom.

My bedroom has black, white and gray tiles. It is all painted a crisp white. The walls, the ceiling and the woodwork. Adorning My windows (two that reach to the floor) are long red tab curtains. When the sun shines through the entire room is a beautiful shade of blood red. During the night it is pitch black. A shade that I so enjoy.

My walls are softly decorated with japanese symbols and pictures. Words of "Love", "Truth", "Goddess" and "Soul" hang above My bed. A king size bed with red satin sheets and a beautiful red comforter. It is a place where I do My meditation, My reading and My writing.

It is My place and very few are allowed to enter it.

~~When She entered the room, Her head reached to the top of the rooftops. The doorways shone with the brillance of all the heavens. The queen, filled with awe and fear, gave the Goddess a seat. She who brings the seasons, who gives the world so many gifts.

She hesitated, until a slave brought forth a fleece of silver and made a seat for the Goddess. She sat then, dear Goddess veiled and hidden. A long time She sat, not speaking, sorrowful; not smiling and silent with woe. Not eating nor drinking, but full of longing for her deep hearted slave, She was yet to find.~~

Monday, June 12, 2006

So after I got done posting I get this email on Collarme. From a "man" who says he seeks a Dominant Woman. His first email states that he is looking for real love and life and that he seeks a Dominant Woman who can control him.
His profile states this.....

God made wife to serve her husband. To be his helper.

I very nicely wrote back to him.....

After reading your profile I can tell you that you are NOT for Me. I am a true Goddess and a lifestyle Mistress. There is not a submissive place in Me. Perhaps you should take off that you are seeking a "Dominant woman"

Nice huh! I could have really ripped into him for his stupid profile. Yet, I thought I would be nice and just say... thanks... but no thanks.

he then writes back.....

You will never find what you seek. you go against nature. A strong man is the true nature and his wife serves. you seek selfishness and a lie. you will cont. to be hurt and more then likely get a disease. your sad choice.

Now mind you. This was written with words that were misspelled and not in complete sentences. So I write back......

I can tell you right now. That if even if hell would freeze over and I did become submissive I would never become to submissive to a man who can not spell and write a total sentence. Get a grip and try to read some english books before you attempt to control anyone!

So in light of this recent event and this man totally pissing Me off I thought I would paste his profile. Giggles... payback is a bitch!

His screen name... Lov.

He seeks Dominant, submissive and switch women.
he seeks honest lady... cute nose...blah blah blah.

There ya go drew.... dumb ass. You do not F*** with a Goddess.


Bright Blessings
Goddess Moon

I have not really been around to post much. Things this weekend have been extremely busy and I have been under the weather. There is nothing worse then getting sick during the summer. It seems like any illness that is ailing you in the summertime takes forever to get rid of. For Myself this has to be true because I have been sick for over a week now.

What I need to do is just sleep until I feel better. Not an easy task even for a Goddess! I have been taking it easy today. Been catching up on My reading which I have been putting off for awhile now. Thank Goddess that I am able to do at least that.

Calling all slaves to come clean this house!

I suppose I am going to have to bring Myself to do that soon. Or the house may fall down around Me!

Anyhow.. will update later...just wanted Yya'll to know that I am still alive........


Bright Blessings,
Goddess Moon

Friday, June 09, 2006

I am the Goddess, Mistress of the land
It is I who created unbreakable laws
It is I who divided the earth and heavens
It is I who charted the stars
It is I who set the moon and sun overhead
It is I who ordered the tides to roll
It is I who brought men and woman together
and I who created all the mysteries
It is I who made the justice of love stronger then wealth
and I who designed penalities for evil
It is I who first created mercy
and I who metes it out
I am the queen of earth, wind and sea
Queen of the thunder, Queen of the sun
Only I can overcome fate
Only I can overcome Love

Song of Isis

Friday, June 02, 2006

I come into contact with quite a few submissives. After My many, many, perhaps TOO MANY years in the lifestyle I can pretty much tell who they are and put them into the catagories that they belong in. Of course I do not claim to know everything but I am fairly familier with the "types" that I and many Domme's run into.

Type 1--
The Internet Married geek. Usually only on at night or really early in the morning while he can sneek in some time away from his wife. Simply wants to get off and find on outlet for the things that his wife will not do to him. More then likely found out about BDSM from a porno magazine in some sleazy porn shop.

Type 2--
The chatroom submissive. Knows each and everything thing to do in a chat room and does it with ease. Lives through other peoples "real" lives because he does not have the balls to live it himself.

Type 3--
The "I want to be a true submissive" type. Also known as the "I am submissive as long as it suits me and I get My way" type. Have been in contact with at least 3 of these in the last 3 weeks. They talk a good talk and run with their tails between their legs when you need them to walk the walk.

Type 4--
Prime example--angel
The I will do whatever it takes to please You. Polite, subservient, sweet and kind. Does whatever you ask of them and does not ask questions. Have personality and spunk. Yet listens and tames it when you need them to. Very rare, yet very wonderful. They are the "True" type. Usually end up being hurt or having someone that is an ass take advantage of them.

Type 5--
The robot, no personality, doormat type. Sadly they really do still exsist. Usually this way because someone who called themselves "Dominant" fucked them up and they are stuck somewhere between a rock and a hard place.
Type 4 is very rare to find. Sure you can find it but most are a mixture of all types. There really are true submissives out there. It just takes patience and love to make sure they are what you hope for.

Lady Moon

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Sitting here I know that I need to write but I just can not gather the heart to do so. I am not sure what is wrong, I can not pinpoint it. Yet there is something not right.

So here....

Another summer day
Come and gone away
In paris and rome
But I wanna go home
Maybe surrounded by a milion people
Yet I just wanna go home
I miss you, you know
I have been keeping all the letters that I wrote to you
Each one a line or two
"I'm fine baby how are you?"
I would send them but I know it is just not enough
My words cold and flat
You deserve more then that
Another airplane
Another sunny place
I am lucky I know
But I wanna go home
I have got to go home
Let Me go home
I am just too far from where you are
I wanna come home
I feel like I am living someone elses life
Like I stepped outside
When everything was going right
And I know why you could not come along with me
This was not your dream
But you have always believed in Me
Another winter day
Has come and gone away
In paris and Rome
I wanna go home

I will write tomorrow.... maybe.

Lady Moon