Wednesday, August 30, 2006

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I think I may just feel a bit better today. Other then the PMS, stuffed up head and ear ache I do think I am just about on My way to a better recovery! A bit silly with all the medicine in My system but what else is new? Thus all the pictures that got with the posting.
Give Me a break eh? I have been in this house sick for far too long!

A question was asked of Me last night in relation to the physical side and the spiritual side of My Dominance. I thought it was a great question and one that I wanted to write more upon.

When I first started the lifestyle more then 10 years ago it was very sexually driven for Me. After all I was VERY young and VERY horny! I played for the sake of playing and always ended up empty. Not that I did not enjoy the play, I just knew that with more expierence and more studies that D/s would become something totally different for Me.

Years later I noticed that everything about the way I view a D/s relationship changed. It became more of an emotional and spiritual connection for Me then just someone to whip or fuck.

Now as I pass My 12 year mark into the lifestyle I am to the point that I can not and will not play just to play. That even without the sexual side of things, if the emotional side is there everything is going the way it should go.

Don't get Me wrong of course. I love to to have a submissive naked, over My knee. Feeling his cock get hard against My leg as I warm his bottom. Having him worship every inch of Me and make sure that I am satisfied. Yet, that is not all that I need from him.

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It is important to Me that a submissive understand that the things that I do to him are from My heart. That they are based with love and caring. That My time and effort would not be put forward into him if there was not a spirtual, emotional and sexual connection with him.

When finding a true, connected D/s relationship the beauty behind it is something that most will never recieve or understand. Those that have it or will find it are very lucky.

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Blessed be,
Goddess Isis Moon

~Pictures from Getty Images~

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

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I have not written here for awhile. I have been extremely sick and just have not had the energy to sit here and write.

I went to the doctor today for the second time around. Inner ear infections in both ears, sinus infection and bronchitis. My daughter brought it home and now everyone has it. Hopefully this new medicine he put Me on will work this time.

As far as everything else in My life it is good....very good in fact. Sometimes you have to roll and bleed in the thorns before the roses start to grow. Thankfully the roses are growing and they sure do smell sweet!

For now I just wanted to quickly update. I will write more tomorrow when I am not drugged up!

Blessed be kiddles!
Goddess Isis Moon

Friday, August 18, 2006

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There are nights where the inside of Me is angry. Dark and plan pissed off. Tonight is one of those nights.

I had a few hours to Myself this evening and needed to get a few groceries. After I had finished I ran into Barnes and Noble, got a Starbucks and sat in the corner with an arm full of books that I knew I had in My mind I wanted to get.

After sitting there awhile I was returning a few back to the shelve that did not peak My interest. For some odd reason I think Barnes and Noble thinks it is funny to put the "New Age" and "Christanity" section directly across from each other.

I am standing there minding My own business when this older woman turns to Me and tells Me that perhaps I am standing in the wrong section. I turn to her confused and turn back around as I am not sure she is talking to Me or not.

She then stands besides Me and looks at the books in My hand.

To ride a silver broomstick
Solitary Witch
A witches guide to spells
Wicca and the love behind it

"Those things will make you evil" She says to Me

I look at her books

How to be a good catholic
The truth in god
And of course the one that peaks Me the most
talking to the dead.

I simply smile at her and say, as I touch the talking to the dead book.

"And this one My love was misplaced and should be in the new age section. Have a glourious weekend."

The look on her face was priceless.

My advice. Accept those around you. You may be interested in the same things they are.

Blessed be,
Goddess Isis Moon

Thursday, August 17, 2006

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I found this picture while looking through Getty Images and I just stared at it. Taking a minute to look and each and every detail in the picture. What I would not give to be inside that cabin, curled with a cup of coffee and a good submissive at My feet.

My weekend is filled with home improvements. Not something I was hoping for yet... here I am. I tend to do My spring cleaning a bit late. Or early. Depends on what way you look at it. Yet when have I ever done things like other people do?!

Just wanted to quickly update.. so there.. I updated!

Blessed be,
Goddess Isis Moon

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

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There are more then a few things I would like to touch upon this morning.

I am getting very tired of "submissives" who claim to be so, when in truth they really aren't. Why bother wasting your time or Mine playing around with someones head or heart when you know damn well it is not going to go anywhere?
Even the strongest Dominant Women have hearts and yes... surprise they can be tugged on and broken.

I am just ready to truely find someone who is real. Give Me a break already!

I am tired and just frustrated with everything and everyone I seem to come into contact with lately. It gets very old meeting the same type of people. The people that say the are one thing and really are something 100% different then what they claim to be.

All I have ever asked in honesty. Honesty in who and what you are. Honesty in what you want and desire. Honesty in what you need.

I am tired of liars, time wasters and simply fucked up people.

I do have a heart and a heart that gets broken easily. Perhaps just being yourself and realizing that would be greatly helpful. To understand this lifestyle and the depth that comes along with it would be helpful as well.

I do not want to give up on finding that one.. yet... lately it seems I am just tired of all of it. My heart is one with many scars.. tread easy.

Blessed be,
Goddess Isis Moon

Monday, August 14, 2006

Isn't it funny how one little finger can make up an entire post of just about everything I want to say?

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Sunday, August 13, 2006

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I spent the day by the river
It was quiet and the wind stood still
I spent My time with nature
To remind Me of all that is real
It is funny how silence speaks sometimes
When we are alone
Reminds us how we feel
Again I stand
Against this faceless one
I saw a face on the water
It looked humbled yet willing to fight
The will of a warrior
The yoke is easy
Burden of light
Looked me right in the eyes
Direct and concise to remind Me
To always do what is right
If this face can not see the light
I know I will walk alone
If I walk alone to the other side
I might not make it home
So I stand here
Against My faceless heart
Next time I see this face
I choose to live for it always
So wont you come inside
Never go away
Alone I stand
A silent warrior in this light

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It seems so funny to Me that people think Dominants are not prone to having their hearts broken.

I will let you in on a secret... We are.

I feel very tired. Very done and very hurt. Yet then again I am pretty sure no one ever notices anyway.

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It is a chilly sunday morning here. I can not wait for the fall to settle in and bring a breath of fresh air to what has been a very hot and long summer.

I feel a bit off this morning. As if I am moving slow and everything else is moving very fast around Me. People in and out of My life as quick as the sun rising and falling.

I would love to just hop back into bed and sleep a bit more. In wishing that when I awoke this time around My outlook would be a bit different. Alas.. that is not happening anytime soon.

I still would like to believe in the truth and love that comes from a real D/s relationship. Yet I am fighting that belief this morning. I know in My heart it readily exsists... yet...well you know.

I have been taking time to set up a Witch Blogger so I can keep the two seperate.

Blessed be!
Goddess Moon

Friday, August 11, 2006

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What a witchy way!

It annoyes Me to no end that the title line is not present for any of My blog entries. I am not really sure how to fix that so if A/anyone reading this knows what the hell I am talking about and how to make it right let Me know!

The moon is full and beautiful. Took time to meditate earlier and work on the spells that I wanted to do while the moon was full. A lot of My herbs were dry and ready to pack. Thankfully because of the rain I was able to cut somemore that I was not sure where going to make it through the rest of the summer. The drying process is always such a mess but the outcome is twice as wonderful.

The Dominant Woman who was mentioned by My male submissive hair client called Me today. She was just about as sweet as can be. Bless Her heart. She was so nervous that She could hardly speak. Her and I are having coffee in the morning. I am sure She will be just as nervous tomorrow, yet I know that I will calm Her down a bit and hopefully help Her in anyway I can. I think that We expierenced Dominant Woman have a duty and calling to help those that are just starting out. So I am glad to do so.

Off to get some things done.
Blessed be kiddles!

Goddess Isis Moon
Photo--First light

Thursday, August 10, 2006

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It is one of those days when your heart just aches for romance. I love the old songs, the chivlary, the romance. Such a rainy day that curling in bed and keeping warm would apply. So instead, I am listening to the old songs and writing. Sometimes I wonder if W/we realize that time moves so quickly. That people move on, move out and lose something wonderful and not even know it.

Oh all these romantic thoughts in My head will surely drive a Domme nuts!

<--Look for Me in a padded room and a straight jacket!

Blessed be E/everyone.

Goddess Isis Moon

The weather here is not anything write home about. Yet, I can not complain everything needs the water.

Ironically it pretty much mirror's My mood today. Grey and dreary. Drenched and tired.

I am not batting a million lately. I feel a bit thrown off.

I have worked much of the morning on My computer as for some reason I can not log into half of My normal sites. Passwords are changed, links are gone. With all this One would think perhaps things were just not the way they should be.

I have been a bit quiet lately. I could tell you that I meant it to be that way but I really haven't. I feel in My own little world. As if I was thrown into it unexpectedly. Simply wandering around wondering what the fuck is going on around Me.

Not a feeling that I like.

Had this song on My mind this morning.. wanted to post it.

Take it back
Take it all back now
The things I gave
Like the taste of My kiss on your lips
Miss that now
I can not try any harder then I do
All the reasons I gave
Excuses I made
Are broken in two
All the things left undiscovered
Leave Me empty and left to wonder
Don't walk away
Touch Me
How I want to feel
Something real
Please remind Me
My love, take it back
I am not breathing
When I am in the dark
All alone
Dreaming that you will walk through the door
It is then I know My heart is whole
A million reasons why I cry
Hold My covers tight
Close My eyes
I just don't wanna be alone tonight
All the things undiscovered
Left Me waiting
Left to wonder
I can not fake it
I can not hate it
It is My heart
About to break
On your knees
Watch Me bleed
Listen please
I give in
I breathe out
I want you, no doubt
I freak out
I'm left out
I'm crossed out
Kicked out
I cry out and reach out
Don't walk away.

Goddess Isis Moon

Monday, August 07, 2006

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I have written several times today. Everything just keeps changing like the northern wind, yet the wind is outta the east today.

I will just post My favorite song

In every heart there is a room
A santuary safe and strong
To heal the wounds from lovers pasts
Until a new one comes along
I spoke to you in cautious tone
you answered me with no pretends
And still I feel I said to much
My silence is my self defense.
Everytime I've held a rose
It seems I only felt the thorns
And so it goes
And so it goes
And so will you soon I suppose
If my silence made you leave
Then that would be my worst mistake
So I will share this room with you
And you can have this heart to break
And this is why my eyes are closed
Just as well for all I've seen
So it goes
your the only one who knows
So I would choose to be with you
Thats if the choice were mine to make
You can make choices too
And you can have this heart to break
So it goes
And so it goes
Your the only one who knows

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This post is for a dear one. I know things are rough around you right now. Please know it will get better.

It isn't very difficult to see why
you are the way you are
Does not take a genius to realize
That sometimes life is hard
It is gonna take time
You'll just have to wait
You are gonna be fine
But in the meantime
Come over here
Let Me wipe your tears away
Come a little nearer
You will heal over
Heal over someday
I do not want to hear you tell yourself
That these feelings are in the past
You know it does not mean they are off the shelf
Because pain is built to last
Everyone sails alone
But understand that we can travel side by side
Even if you fail
You know noone really minds
Come over here
Do not hold on yet do not let go
I know it is hard
You have to try to trust yourself
I know it is hard
Come over here
Let Me wipe your tears away
Come alittle nearer baby
You will heal over
I will help you

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Today is a day filled with housework. I find these two cute pictures that fit today. Would it not be nice to have that man cleaning house for Me? Yet I am guessing the other will be more of My day!

My night was very strange. The dreams that came to Me were very odd and things that I am going to have to think upon. Children in home where they shouldn't be. Things to that nature. Perhaps I will have to donate My time in that area. The God's and Goddess's always seem to be right on in their messages while dreaming. I can not deny what they say.

I just wanted to write quickly. For I will be in and out the entire day.

Until then!
Blessed be Kids!
Goddess Isis Moon

Sunday, August 06, 2006

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I seem to be very tired tonight. Almost to a point of exhausted. It is not one of those tired time that You just want to sleep, it is more of a body tired. One that makes it near impossible to keep your head up and all you want to do is lay in bed and call it a year.

The Moon is almost full and has a ring around it. A sign that trouble is not far behind. I have My rituals set up for when the full moon rolls around. It is soon, even without charts and knowledge I feel it in My gut.

I feel a bit better then I did last night. Thank the Goddess's above for that. I have not seen My patron Goddess in My dreams lately yet there are many others that are coming to Me. I will write about that later.

I was speaking to a friend of Mine who is on one of the boards I belong to. She is new to the lifestyle. In fact really new. Only a month or so into it. She is a plus size woman as well and asked a very valid question. One I will be posting in the FLR as well.

She asked how I can let Myself go and let a slave serve Me to the degree I do while still being a plus size Domme. Does My not being a super model make it so I am not able to be Myself, walking around naked, having someone bathe Me ect. hard?

For Me... I adore My body. I am a Goddess, a Woman of substance and if that bothers Me then there would be something wrong. If you love who You are, What You are about and what You look like then everyone else will as well. You will exude sexuality and senuality.You will have confidence and that will mirror unto other people.

I may not be 6'0" with a body of a 16 year old. I am a mother of two. I have been through many things in My life. It is beautiful to show the wear and tear of regular life. W/we all should be proud it showing it!

Blessed be,
Goddess Isis Moon

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This song stuck in My head this morning.

Says a whole lot!

I would dail the numbers just to listen to your breath
I would stand inside My hell and hold the hand of death
You don't know how far I'd go to ease this precious ache
You don't know how much I'd give and how much I can take
Just to reach you
Just to reach you
Come to My window
Crawl inside, wait by the light of the moon
Come to My window
I'll be home soon
Keeping My eyes open
I can not afford to sleep
Giving away promises I know I can not keep
Nothing feels the blackness that has seeped inside My chest
I need you in My blood
I am forsaking all the rest
Just to reach you
Just to reach you
I don't care what they think
I don't care what they say
What do they about this

Goddess Isis Moon

Saturday, August 05, 2006

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I have posted this song before.
Yet My heart needed to post it on this particular night.
Even the strongest of Dominant Women feel Their hearts sink a bit. Most do not speak of it. I on the other hand, am not most. I do not pretend to be, nor do I want to be. I am Me. Period.

Another summer day
Has come and gone away
In Paris and Rome
I wanna go home
I maybe surrounded by a million people
Yet I feel all alone
I miss you, you know
I keep all the letters that I wrote to you
Each one a line or two
"I'm fine baby, how are you?"
I would send them
I know it is not enough
My words are cold and flat
you deserve more then that
Another airplane
Another sunny place
I am lucky I know
Yet, I wanna go home
I have to go home
Let Me go home
I am just too far
From where you are
I want to come home
I feel like I am living someone elses life
Like I stepped outside
When everything was going right
I know why you could not come along with me
This is not your dream
You always belived in Me
Another Winter day
Has come and gone away
Even in Paris and Rome
I want to go home.

Goddesss Isis Moon

~Song-Micheal Buble
~Picture-Image Bank

Thursday, August 03, 2006

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There are a few things that I wanted to write about this morning but will start with only One. The Most important One of course and will fill in the others later.

I have not really written about how Goddess A and I met and how We became close to I wanted to take a minute this morning and write about what She means to Me.

It is very odd to find someone that You feel so connected to. Both Her and I firmly believe that in a past life We were sisters. That somehow this time around the universe felt that We had to be connected again. There are times that I know something is wrong before She even states it. There are times that She knows the same. We are on each others life cycles in more ways then one and she is My soul Sister. Sometimes I long into messenger in the morning and start with... "Whats wrong?" I know when there is something happening before She states it and thankfully She too can read Me before I know it Myself.

We were connected this time around by a very insaine submissive. Now, I do not say that because he is odd... but because he really is that. Mentally ill. Only Goddess A and I did not know it until We started to compare notes. She pm'ed Me one night as She was mentoring him and he stated to Her that I said I would keep him in a cage for weeks at a time with no food or water (Something I never said). Her pm was... mean! Oh yes Goddess A does have a temper at times! We soon compared the things that were sent and realized that he really was a loon. We still laugh about it to this day but am thankfully that even though the Goddess's brought Us together in a very strange way, that We were still brought together.

I think there comes a time in E/everyone's life that W/we are connected with someone for a reason. A Someone comes along that just sort of completes U/us in ways that W/we can not complete ourselves. Goddess A is My other half. Sometimes My better half, sometimes My evil half. Yet, without I am not 100% whole.

I love You Sis. Thank You for being part of My life.

*Photo--John Fox

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

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Do you always trust your initial feeling?
Special knowledage holds truth, bears believing
I turned around
And the water was closing all around
Like a glove
Like the love that had finally fold me
Then I knew
In the cystalline knowledge of you
Drove me through the mountains
Through the crystal like clear water fountain
Drove me like a magnet
To the sea
How the faces of love have changed
Turning the pages
I have changed but you remain agless
In the crystalline knowledge of you